Edward Kennedy

美 [ˈedwərd ˈkɛnədi]英 [ˈedwəd ˈkɛnɪdi]
  • 网络爱德华·肯尼迪;爱德华肯尼迪
Edward KennedyEdward Kennedy
  1. IN 1989 Edward Kennedy tried to stop time .


  2. Edward Kennedy died of brain cancer Tuesday at the age of77 .


  3. So was Senator Edward Kennedy , who is suffering from brain cancer .


  4. Senator Edward Kennedy died Tuesday of brain cancer . He was seventy-seven .


  5. They were former Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Senator Edward Kennedy .


  6. The next year , Edward Kennedy was elected to the Senate seat formerly held by his brother John .


  7. Racial laws and racial hatred were to follow Edward Kennedy Ellington all through his life .


  8. American political icon Edward Kennedy dead at77 of cancer , a man warmly remembered as a champion of social justice around the world .


  9. Farewell Family members gather at the coffin of Senator Edward Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetery on Aug.29 .


  10. The town , named after Hong Kong 's seventh British governor Arthur Edward Kennedy , was for many years inhabited by a working-class community .


  11. BARBARA KLEIN : Edward Kennedy was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia near his brothers , John and Robert .


  12. President Obama pointed out that being born a Kennedy carried tremendous expectations , but he said Edward Kennedy surpassed them because of the person he became .


  13. Edward Kennedy was known as " the liberal lion of the Senate . " He said his " best vote " was his vote against the Iraq war .


  14. Edward Kennedy 's burial alongside his brothers at Arlington National Cemetary was the closing of a long , full life , heading a family marked by tragedy and triumphs .


  15. About fifteen hundred people attend Senator Edward Kennedy 's funeral mass in Boston today and among those attending would be former Presidents George W. Bush , Bill Clinton and Jimmy Cater .


  16. Looking Back at the Life of Edward Kennedy This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English . This week , Americans said goodbye to the last son of one of the nation 's most politically families .


  17. EDWARD KENNEDY : " My brother need not be d or d in death beyond what he was in life ; to be remembered simply as a good and decent man who saw wrong and tried to right it . "


  18. And Mr Hatch , for all his conservative bona fides ( he has introduced bills in the Senate to amend the constitution to require balanced budgets four times over the years ) , worked happily with no less a leftie than Edward Kennedy to bring in children 's health insurance and the Americans with Disabilities Act .


  19. Edward Moore Kennedy will be buried Saturday near his brothers John and Robert at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia .


  20. Edward " Teddy " Kennedy was laid to rest near the graves of his two slain brothers , President John F.


  21. The engaged couple , Edward Evans and Gertrude Kennedy , put up the banns the other day .


  22. Edward " Teddy " Kennedy was laid to rest near the graves of his two slain brothers , President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy .
